Mrs. V.Santhi belongs to a poor family in Kallankollai and her husband is a causal labourer. She also used to go for agricultural labour rarely. They have 2 children. Her case study is briefed as her status before and after our intervention.
Before our intervention:
She was a house wife and was only involved in domestic work. Her family has no permanent income. She has no role in her family income and thereby no role in family decision making. She also has no savings or bank account in her name. She has little or no outside contacts with other women both inside and outside her village. This led to lack of self-confidence and lack of understanding of her own potential
After our intervention:
She got her first loan of Rs.20,000 towards buying a commercial wet grinder and earns an average of Rs.100/day. She is getting regular income with the freedom to spend the money for whatever she desires.
She is keen to save a part of her new income and has started saving t small amounts in her individual bank account
She has started to motivate other women in her village to become members of SHG and thus become economically independent.
As she has become a successful entrepreneur in running a small business unit, she wants to help other women also to earn a decent income through small businesses.
She is now confident of leading and running a SHG to attain social and economic empowerment.
Though she started to earn recently through Micro loan programme, she is confident of enhancing her income and to improve her family’s living standards.
She says that after participating in the training programme being organized in ASSCOD office with resource persons from Omega, she is now aware of women’s rights, how to become independent and how to help other women to attain social and economic empowerment. She expressed her sincere thanks to Omega/ASSCOD for having built self confidence in her to become an earning member of her family.