Welcome to our Programs Page! At ASSCOD, we believe in creating a sustainable and equitable future for rural communities. Over the years, we have implemented a diverse range of programs that address critical areas such as women empowerment, skilling, health, disaster relief, education, environment, clean energy, and livelihood development.
Each initiative is designed with the community at its core, ensuring that our efforts lead to lasting impact. Whether it’s providing women with the skills and resources to achieve financial independence, improving healthcare access in remote villages, or promoting environmental conservation, our programs are rooted in the belief that empowered individuals can drive meaningful change.
Explore our key focus areas below to learn more about how we are transforming lives and building resilient communities.
Women Empowerment (Tribal women)
- Formation of Informal Self-help groups (Women led community-based Organisation)
- Providing life skills training, vocational training to be entrepreneurs
- Helping women create assets in their names
- Provide skilling and financial training to make them self-sustainable
- Provide funding through donors to enable tribal women buy cattle and help them with veterinarian support
- Provide access to women enrichment programs through donor partners.
- Started a trust called Wings to fly that enables the tribal women to come out of a poverty that will be a sustainable institution that help the women to have a sustainable growth.
- Provide leadership development programs for the leaders of the trust to run the trust independently.

- Our livelihood programs create income opportunities in various sectors, from agriculture and livestock to crafts and small-scale industries.
- We equip community members with skills tailored to both local and external markets, helping them compete and thrive.
- By providing interest free microloans to diverse livelihood options, we enable communities to achieve self-sufficiency and long-term financial stability.

School dropouts among girls from tribal communities, scheduled caste and low-income backgrounds increased exponentially over the years, and required immediate action to help them regain their access to higher educational opportunities. Our approach to promote education is:
- Our tuition centres offer after school training in practical trades to help young adults excel in education
- Provide scholarship assistance to pursue higher education
- Provide clean toilet facilities for schools
- Provide transport for tribal children to school from home and back
- We work with local government schools to provide educational resources, scholarships, and infrastructure upgrades.
- By providing quality education and skills, we empower children and youth to envision and achieve brighter futures.

- We train women as lay first aiders who will be taking care of the health needs of their village
- The lay first aider with the help of a professional doctor conduct health camps in our villages and provide medications.
- We also have programs like providing nutrition kit for the Anaemic pregnant women, adolescent girls and elderly people of the tribal community.
- One such program this year, where we provided 574 nutrition kits to tribal families to address malnutrition.
- We connect communities to government healthcare resources and offer follow-up support to ensure sustained health improvement.
- We also provide a series of awareness session for the community as a preventive helath care through our lay first aiders.

Disaster Relief
- Our disaster relief programs provide immediate support in times of crisis, such as during the COVID-19 pandemic, floods, and tsunamis.
- We focus on providing them with the necessary materials that will help the community to rebuild with stronger foundations.
- Beyond immediate relief, we provide long-term support to help affected communities regain stability and security.

- Programs such as home garden cultivation, tree plantation acts as income generation as well as improve the environment
- We involve employee engagement programs where we plant trees in local and government places that will improve the ecosystem of the community.
- With the help of lay first aiders we create awareness to the people to keep their surroundings clean that will improve the environment.

Clean Energy
- We advocate for clean energy access in rural areas by providing solar light to homes.
- By providing the solar lamps we address both the communities electricity needs as well as create a sustainable environment for the community.
- By promoting clean energy, we aim to reduce carbon footprints and enhance environmental sustainability within communities.

- Provide entreprenurship trainings like tailoring, jute bag making, etc
- Create a opportunity for women from deserving community to learn a new skill
- Counsel women to take up self emploment of open employment oppurtunities
- Certifying the women on the skill training and help them excel in the skill.