About Us
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Founder's Desk

Mr. Loganathan completed his graduation in Cooperation and Community Development in Gandhigram Rural University, Dindigul. He attended the Extension program which is a mandatory part of his degree. Through the program he had an opportunity to visit interior villages where he witnessed tribal people living in extreme poverty and poor health. They were lacking in basic amenities such as potable water, housing and proper clothes. Illiteracy was rampant.
Then he pursued his degree in 1988. He was placed in ASSEFA, leading social service organisation as a grassroot level worker. He was able to interact with and serve poor families. His interest and experience gained him a position in Senior Management Level. This initial achievement increased his interest to make a career in the social sector, which later paved the way for creating Association for Sustainable Community Development, ASSCOD, at Karunguzhi, Kancheepuram District. The main goal of ASSCOD is to empower rural women who are striving hard to uplift their families socially and economically by providing necessary support.
In this journey he faced many challenges and learnt lessons and still he continues learning to update himself in achieving the vision of ASSCOD.
Economically empowered rural/tribal women below poverty line to lead their families and bring prosperity to the Community.
To work with marginalized women through Self Help Groups (SHGs) by imparting training including financial literacy to enhance their economic skills and to increase their income to attain economic and social empowerment of the groups. Thus, enable women as agents of social change and empower them to lead the prosperity of their community.