Poultry farming is one of the important livelihood activities of tribal people living in remote villages. As the tribal families are involved in casual labour activities that are seasonal, they are not in a position to earn income to feed their family members on a regular basis. Most of the tribal families are living in extreme poverty, they are not in a position to consume nutritious food and because of this, women and children are facing anaemic issues. As the commercial value for country chicks and market for country chicks increased, we started a project to donate 5 chicks with a cage to the tribal families. This will help them to rear the chicks and each family can get 4 eggs every day and the same can be consumed by the family to improve the health of women and children. We have implemented this project in one of the target villages and tribal people multiplied the number of chicks thereby getting additional income and use the eggs for own consumption to improve the health.